Synappx Go Collaboration

Configuration Steps

Step 6: Associate NFC Tags

Once you have assigned MFPs or displays to a workspace, use the Synappx Go app to associate NFC tags with MFPs, displays, check-in locations, and assigned workspaces.

  1. iOS Devices

    Download the Synappx Go app from the Apple® App store.

    App store badge

    Android Devices

    Download the Synappx Go app from the Google Play™store.

    Google Play badge
  2. Open the Synappx Go app. When prompted, enter your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace credentials and accept the permissions request.
    Synappx Go App Icon
  3. The Select Workspace screen will appear. All configured workspaces will display. Select a workspace.
  4. A list of devices and a check-in option will appear below the workspace. Select a device or select the display agent.
  5. Confirm the workspace and device information is correct. Then, tap a new NFC tag to associate the tag with the display.
  6. You will see a notification upon successfully associating the device. Repeat for all other devices.
  7. NFC tag settings can be changed on the mobile app by going to Settings > NFC Tag.