Synappx Go Collaboration

What is Synappx WorkSpaces?

Synappx WorkSpaces is a cloud-based analytics software subscription service that combines the ambient data collected by the Windows collaboration display from Sharp’s IoT sensor hub with data from Microsoft 365. By combining the data from both sources, organizations can leverage the data to confirm the success of their collaboration technologies and workspaces investments

Smarter, more engaging workplace

  • Create, manage and monitor a smart and engaging workplace with customized alerts and notifications for meeting room ambient conditions to maintain productive collaborative workspaces for employees!
  • Access to WorkSpaces’ reports and analytics to help organizations gather insights on the changes in workspace conditions and collaboration technology usage to proactively identify issues and resolve them before they are reported.
  • Analytics and data to help the organization assess the benefits and impact of collaborative technology and workspace investments.

Workplace challenges:

Tackle organizational collaboration challenges to enhance productivity while promoting employee satisfaction and retention with data and analytics from WorkSpaces services. Proactively manage and monitor collaborative workspaces and tech to address common collaboration and productivity challenges such as:

  • “Meeting rooms are never available”
  • “Workspaces are uncomfortable”

With Synappx WorkSpaces, organizations can decode the productivity challenges for employees as well as help decision makers confirm the beneficial impact to the organization with their collaborative investments in workspaces and technologies.

Analytics and Insights:

  • Operational analytics can help organizations understand if employees are engaging and interacting with the WCDs and the usage of workspaces for meetings during business hours.
  • Usage analytics to learn average meeting duration, total number of meetings scheduled by employees, meetings where the WCD was used, and more.
  • Status analytics to visualize the status of the WCD devices throughout the organization and alerts on the changes to the workspace and technology conditions.
  • Environmental analytics to study the environment of meeting rooms, temperature changes during a meeting and the impact of attendees to the ambient conditions.