Synappx Go Collaboration

What is the Synappx mDesk Experience?

Designed for the new normal, start and join meetings from your home office with Synappx mDesk!

  • My Desk
  • My Meetings
  • My Mobile

Auto-Start Web Conferencing

Start your web conference with the click of a button—no need to look for a meeting invite or login information.

Easy Access to Meeting Materials

Set shortcuts to your favorite cloud storage applications and access meeting attachments all from the Synappx Meeting Assistant.

Track Meeting Time

mDesk helps you manage your meeting time with a countdown to meeting start, meeting timer, and end meeting reminder.

End Meeting and Disconnect

End your meeting with one click and mDesk automatically ends the web conference*.
* When the web conference is started with its web application. Automatic meeting end using web browser-based meetings is not supported.


Start Meetings Anywhere, Anytime, with One Click

Synappx GO User Capabilities