Synappx Go Collaboration

Frequently Asked Questions


Synappx Meeting can help you start your meetings by automatically connecting key technologies. For more details, please go to What is Synappx Meeting?

Synappx Meeting apps are available from application store. Please go to the app download section for more details.

Synappx Meeting supports Windows, OSX, and iOS and Android devices. Please go to Supported Environment section for more details.

Please check your email address and password. If you still cannot login, please contact your administrator.

Synappx Meeting supports popular web conference services such as Zoom, WebEX, GoToMeeting, and Skype. The Synappx Meeting can automatically start and end the conference session. For a full list of supported web conference service, please go to the Supported Environment section

The web conference service that you are trying to start may not be supported by Synappx Meeting. For a full list of supported web conference service, please go to the Supported Environment section.

You can a start meeting only in the licensed workspace. Please contact your administrator for support.

Screen Casting/Mirroring

Casting/mirroring refers to connecting your laptop to the wireless casting receiver system which is connected to a large display in the workspace.

Please refer to the Supported Environment section for a list of supported casting technologies.

The automatic casting is available in the licensed workspace. Please contact your administrator to make sure the workspace is ready to use with Synappx Meeting.

Voice Control

Synappx Meeting supports Amazon Alexa.

When you start a meeting on your PC, you have an option to use voice control. Click on the microphone icon to enable the voice control feature. For more details, please go to the Voice Control section.

"My Sharp." Please make sure the "My Sharp" skill is enabled with your organization's Amazon account.

The voice feature is supported on a Windows PC. Please make sure the Synappx Meeting app is installed on the PC. You can use voice control after the meeting is started.

Please check the following:

  • The static IP address for display network card
  • The display network card is connected to a network which client PC can reach
  • Check if the display settings are correct in the Synappx Meeting admin portal

Please go to Voice Control section for supported voice commands.


The shortcut function can be configured on your PC or Mac device. It allows for a convenient access to your favorite file storage locations as well as web sites. For more details, please go to how to configure shortcuts.

You can copy the configured shortcuts. For more details, please go to how to configure shortcuts.

During a Meeting

There are various reasons that you are not getting the meeting list, such as company proxy server issue. Please contact your administrator for trouble shooting.

Synappx Meeting displays “recent” files.

When the meeting is started, the time bar is teal. When it gets closer to the end of scheduled time (10% to the end), the time bar changes to orange. When the meeting goes overtime, the time bar changes to red.

The workspace you are in is probably already booked by another member. Please note that only meeting organizers can extend the meeting time.

The workspace you are trying to use is probably booked by another member. Please note that you can start a meeting in the licensed workspace. If the room is available but still you cannot start a meeting, please contact your administrator.

Error Messages

The workspace is already reserved other members in your organization.

Please make sure the version of the targeted application is installed. For supported applications, please go to the Voice Control section.

You might not have required permissions with the Outlook calendar. Please contact your administrator.